Helen Dowdeswell, Acorns
Dear Andrea,
Thank you so much for inviting me to come to the Wednesday Club last week. It was lovely to meet you and the other Ladies, and I made a couple of really useful contacts.
We were thrilled to benefit from the proceeds of the raffle, and raise awareness of Acorns and the support we provide to life limited and life threatened children and their families. This gave us a great opportunity to talk to people in the local area about what we do, so again thank you for putting us on the radar.
It’s fantastic that the raffle raised £150.00, we are delighted to benefit from this donation. It’s only through support like this in the local communities that we can continue to deliver high quality care and support.
Please get in touch if you need any more information or would like a hospice tour at any time.
With our sincere thanks and best wishes,
Helen Dowdeswell, Major Gifts Manager, Acorns Children’s Hospice